In all we had 220 visitors and made over £2,200 for charity.
We were blessed with good weather which provoked an early rush of people who then hung around to enjoy their tea and cake in the sun. Once again the fabulous Alan donated some amazing plants for the plant sale which was our best one so far. I had been propagating up some of the more special things and there were lots of people there at 2pm to get first dibs! Jennifer ran the prosecco palace offering fizz with home made rhubarb vodka. Rob also joined us selling some of his delicious home made preserves.
A huge thank you to everyone who came. It was great to see so many people returning to visit. THANK YOU!
So some pictures of everything at its best...
One of the big new things for 2019 was this large lotus bowl from Vietnam. I'm going to grow miniature water lilies in it and try and keep some fish alive!
One of the best plants out was this Hedychium ellipticum. This is my favourite Hedychium as it keeps flowering forever! However, the flower heads can be easily knocked off by my nephews football....
The Brugmansia was in full show off mode. At dusk the scent is amazing...
This is Gloxinia nemathanthdes which is super amazing. The red colour is absolutely perfect
Lots of people asked about the Nicandra, or shoo-fly plant. Its an annual which is super easy to grow from seed, self sowing when happy. It is supposed to ward off white fly
The newly refurbished shrine with a roof made of recycled cordyline leaves!
2019 was our best ever garden opening. This is very due to the people who help make it happen. My parents have been fabulous at weeding, primping and priming. Sue returned as a garden slave, and 15 people then came to help on the day/ THANK YOU!
Congrats on a successful opening! I do hope to visit someday...