Tuesday 4 September 2018

The 2018 NGS Garden Opening: things at their best

A huge thank you to everyone who came to this years garden opening. We were blessed with amazing weather which brought out the crowds and in total we had 255 visitors and made over £2200 for charity! 

The biggest thanks must go to the 14 people who volunteered to help make it happen: Wendy, Laurence, John, Marten, Sue and the kitchen crew, Sam on plants, Derek on honey and Jennifer on the Prosecco pavilion and the Grimsby door security. Everyone was marvellous. As was anyone who made a cake (we had about 25 in total) and who spread the word. Also a massive thanks to Alan who donated a huge amount of succulents, bananas and cannas which got a good few people very excited!

So some pictures of things at their best...

This (above) was the one plant the people asked about! Salvia involucrata 'Bethellii'  which was looking stunning....below is the normal Salvia involucrate. I love Bethelli as it has those big buds which are really architectural. However, it is harder to get through the winter...I'm not sure if this is the slugs or snails! so I take lots of cuttings about now...