Sunday, 22 February 2015

The February RHS Show

Yesterday I went to the first London RHS Show of the year and was impressed! It was busy, things felt different to last year and there were a lot of extras going on. There seemed to be two places where talks were going on, you could do potato print art works and even make a sculpture out of mashed potato!

There were of course lots of things to buy...I had my annual thoughts of 'oooh, perhaps this is the year that I start my Arisaema collection' however in a moment of sensible clarity I realised how a) I couldn't remember which species I had actually already bought and b) perhaps I should try and perfect the growing of the ones I have already before killing new ones. This clarity was not shared by my companion whose new tact was to simply buy all the most expensive things on offer...

I am however more drawn to start a polypody collection...these ferns are very reliable, cope well with drought (you commonly see them growing in walls) and also appeal to my botanical urges as there is often a lot of Latin going on 

The sharpest elbows at the event were all around the potatoes as there were lots of opportunities to buy your stock for the year.

Why am I always drawn to the snowdrops that cost £20 a bulb???

I do like a nice neat line of Hepaticas

mmm nice big fuzzy tropical leaves
Yeee Ha! it was potato skittles rather than a barn dance, but who knows what happens after closing?


  1. "whose new tact was to simply buy all the most expensive things on offer..." you had me laughing at this one.

  2. I really must make the effort to go to this show one year!!!!
