Saturday 6 June 2015

The June garden: the end of manic planting out and a time for things to grow

I am exhausted! the last month has seen the end of the moving around of established plants and the planting out of all the exotics and annuals. This is one of the main disadvantages of an exotic style garden as you need to be prepared to spend a lot of time in the garden in May. This year I have tried to change things round, and be brave by taking out things that were doing ok, but not thriving. I have also tried to do things properly and ordered (and used)  about 30-40 bags of compost and rotted horse manure to get things off to the best possible start.


The terrace...lots of pots, but lots of plants! I am trying to get some height with the 3 big pots of Musa sikkimensis and 1 Musa basjoo. Schlefferas and Canna. Annoying things being the Cyathea and Butia as they cast their leaves wide and take up a lot of space which make arrangements tricky!

Side wall...Hedychium greenii (so you can see the red leaves from underneath) bananas and a Cyathea

End bed...central planted Musa sikkimensis with Ricinus and front planting of Hedychium densiflorum

Other side of the pond, Ensete (which was probably planted out a bit early as the roots were only just developing) Tall yellow Cannas (Richard Wallace), Ricinus and Tithonia (although I am crying as from 2 packets of seeds I only had about 3 come up!)

 Sarracenias in the greenhouse looking stunningly beautiful
A sun soaked 'glaucous foliage' bed. Huge Melianthus which didn't flower well this year, expanding Rommnea with my new banana grove behind it. Hopefully then padded out with orange Canna (Syngapore girl) ricinus and Canna musifolia

Please note my allotment patch looking dead proper with stuff in straight lines and everything!

The Tetrapanax forest with a Paulownia that has just recovered from a transplanting. I will let it do its own thing for the year and then pollard it next year

Ganesh flanked by 2 sad Musa lasiocarpa. Im not sure how I feel about them as whilst they are fabulous when they flower they seem to be slow into leaf, and will they flower in the UK?
Middle bed....newly planted Musa basjoo grove, giant Miscanthus in the middle, Canna musifolia to pad out

Top dry beds...huge Dahlia imperialis which survived outside and is already 2ft tall.

Furthest bed....a lot dug over to clear for Dahlias, hardy ginger, Ricinus. Huge Kangaroo apple has survived and the Kiwi vine going a bit mental.
Top pond with big flowering Melanoselinum decipens (Parnip Palm). I bought this for the foliage as they looked very exotic at Great Dixter in October however they are also very floriforous. Im not a massive fan of Umberliferas, especially those that look like Cow Parsley but this is ok...I just wish the foliage wasn't yellowing!
The aims of the top veg plot is also to be a cutting garden, and I am rather pleased with these mixed Anenomoes which have been supplying many a vase 

All in all when the sun shines it is looking fab!

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