Sunday, 28 June 2015

End of June

As June turns into July the garden is once again beginning to look jungly. The Cannas looks like Cannas and not abused leeks, the banana trees are looking majestic and the Tetrapanax do again look like they could take over the world.

NGS garden opening is in full swing and there are loads open all over the place with good reports of openings in Winterton and London. Gardening has also changed from manic pulling out of forget-me-nots to watering whilst wearing shorts and cutting rampant things back

So an end of the month wander

Helianthus salicifolia doing its thing

Tetrapanax and day lily

Greenhouse still rather full of plants that need to go out....somewhere

Paulownias suddenly shooting in the heat

end bed planted out with Ricinus and Dahlias

Shooting bamboos, large Ensete in the planter surrounded by fuzzy red salvias

Bottom pond bed with growing gingers, cannas and mus

and finally the terrace.....huge Musa sikkimensis with the new leaves of Schleffera macrophyllya looking fabulous

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