Sunday, 27 September 2015

Teetering magnificence

The garden continues to get lusher and more jungly. Post opening we haven't really needed to do anything to the garden beyond deadheading and enjoying it which is great, but winter seems to loom ever closer. This is the first week I have noticed Christmas beginning to show its face...there was a pub with a 'book now for Christmas' promo, a billboard with Father Xmas and I had my first mince pie!

This all makes for a reminder to plan ahead for next year and to try and remember what works and what doesn't, take a hundred pictures and take notes! However, until then lots of nice plants to ogle at



  1. Fabulous pictures. We are having occasional blustery winds , which are beginning to shed my Red leaved Musa ensete banana plants thinking now maybe time , to drag them in to their shelter zones, for the winter How do you protect yours ?

    1. They are great and getting bigger every year! I protect the Abysinnian bananas like this

    2. Thankyou....we had heavy dew on the grass this morning with the tiniest bit of frost on the odd fallen leaf or two .I do love Autumn though dont you ?
