Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Back garden of 24 Grove Park, Camberwell opening for the National Gardens Scheme Sunday 4th September 2016

The garden opening is almost here! We are now down to our final few tweaks, panicked watering and trying out new cake recipes!

Sunday 4 September (2 - 5.30pm).
Admission £3.50, children free. Home-made teas.
24 Grove Park, London, SE5 8LH

The National Gardens Scheme says 'An exotic garden full of the exuberance of late summer inspired by travel in Southeast Asia. A lush jungle of big leafed plants, bold colours and shapes incl bananas, dahlias and towering Paulownias. Huge hidden garden gives unexpected size with ponds, sunken terrace, productive area. Lawn and lots of hidden corners give spaces to sit and enjoy. Renowned for delicious home-made cake.' Full NGS details here

We will also be having a plant and preserves sale and there will be honey from my hives to taste and buy.

Also open on the same day on the other side of Camberwell is Patricks garden which is in the same jungle vein. One of my favourite gardens, it is an absolutely incredible tree fern forest! full details of his garden here

Patricks garden at Myatts Fields 

If you haven’t been before, please do come! we hope that the garden surprises you as it is a little different from the norm. It is also very big for Camberwell as it also includes the bottom halves of two neighbour’s gardens that we managed to buy 6 years ago to turn into one large garden. This gives lots of different nooks and crannies to explore and lots of lawn and seats to sit and eat cake on. It will of course be an amazingly sunny day. However, if it does rain we will try and dig out our giant tarpaulin to make a VIP cake eating zone….

Getting here: we are on the Chadwick Road end of Grove Park (our road can be confusing as it has a loop in the middle). There is lots of street parking. We are a short walk from Peckham Rye train station. Annoyingly the direct line from Victoria to Denmark Hill is closed on Sunday so do use London Bridge instead which is equally as quick.

A mixture of pictures from how things are at the moment and previous openings

1 comment:

  1. Oh I wish I lived a bit nearer ! I hope you had a very successful day and the garden looks truly wonderful ! :)
