Thursday 11 July 2013

Things looking rather fetching

Finally things seem to be getting into their stride, and it is easy to want to spend a long time wandering the garden with a gin in hand.....

Geranium Red Admiral and tree of my fave geraniums for the piercing colour of its flowers which make it fit well for the exotic look....

 I always had mixed feelings about Phormiums, as they seemed to become a bit of a 'car park/municiple' plant....however after seeing this one settle into a dry sunny area I have changed my mind as they are rather jungly. This is the first time it has flowered with these really exotic flowers which have been responsible for at least 3 pollen stains on my shirt as I have admired them!

The Water Lilly's are loving the sun *swoon* at their magnificence 

This is my main jungle border looking a little empty...some of this is as I have moved a lot of stuff around, my Ricinus seem more intent on flowering than growing 8ft, and there are more holes than I would like :(
 Then this is the new project which is a little stagnant....decking would have cost 2.8K! so we may just turf or gravel things. I am getting a little concerned that this is a big hole for September....
 I love a cape fuchsia although they can be a little rampant, but everyone needs something rampant at the bottom of their garden to liven things up....
Things are slowly padding least the bananas are taking and the Dahlias are alive, however most are still under 1ft....

 Again all a bit emptier than I was imagining...I think Im realising how poor and dry the soil is here, so I am working my muscles carrying up watering cans as the hose doesn't reach this far....
 Middle bed with the same Ricinus problem, my Tithonias also appear to be holidaying elsewhere....
 The Ecremus and Cobea are making a good job of getting going....

 Salvia bethellii
Tetrapanax and tree ferns....

1 comment:

  1. That dry area you have there with poor soil sounds like a perfect place for Proteas. Looking good and the growth rate is so quick now with this warm spell :)
