Wednesday, 4 September 2013

The big opening: pictures of things at their best

So the one day where the garden was pimped, pruned and pampered to an inch of its life has come and gone with our third opening for the National Gardens Scheme. In total we had 319 visitors and make £1562!

 In all it was a fabulous day and probably one of the smoothest so far...we learnt from last year with things such as don’t have a long boozy lunch just before opening and turn on the water boiler well before people want any tea. We were also well mother had made at least 40metres of bunting and has been buying small plates from charity shops over the year; I even did a prompts sheet for garden helpers with the names of the plants. Steven also managed to make all the cakes the day before in his mini marathon of baking with his Mum.  

Gardens are funny things as they change so much and do unexpected things....some talking to the plants and excessive watering worked as sulking Cannas have really come into their own, and the Ricinus have been grown about 2 foot in the last few weeks, the Dahlias continued to sulk, despite some stern words, and many still hadn’t flowered. However there were some surprises and an amazing Tigridia lily flowered in just the right spot to catch people’s eyes, and a Hibiscus ‘Kopper king’ flowered at 2:30pm for the first time since I bought it in 2011.
Om the day Hedychium densiflorum flowered for the first time as did the Hibiscus

Another unexpected thing had been the article in the Independent the day is online if you want to see it click here. Out of the blue Anna Pavord had contacted me to do an article, and I had a few weeks of worrying how it would be culminating in leaving the house early on Saturday morning, and nervously reading the paper balanced on a wheelie bin on Bellenden Road.  I must admit to being happier talking about the garden than myself (there are very few pictures of me on this blog) however I liked the article and there were about 35 people who came as a result of it, many hunting for the Kalopanax.  This has also meant that I am no longer on the first opening I would simply take off my yellow sticker and pretend to be one of the crowd, but that didn't work this time!

It was lovely meeting so many people who knew their plants and talking gardens, lots of people also said the right things..some of my favourites were..... ‘How many gardeners do you employ?’ none! ‘So are you a professional garden designer?’ no, I work full time managing a charity! ‘Do you have a lot of help?’ yes and no, as I have some good slaves...

At several points the garden was so so full of people and it was hard to get around, I could also see the steam coming out of the kitchen as so many people wanted cake and I could feel the stress! However I hope people enjoyed themselves and liked what they saw.

So thank you to everyone who came, a huge part of the opening is about raising money for charity and it is amazing that we made £1562! Thank you for kind words, to the lady who gave me a hibiscus, to all the fabulous friends who made and brought cakes. A huge thank you to Laurence, Peter and Hannah for helping, Ian and Irene for doing the door and to Wendy who thought she was just coming to look round the garden but ended up washing up for several hours. Finally big thank you to my parents for all their hard work gardening and getting the garden into shape, to all the friends who have helped on gardening days and the husband for his patience and support.

Hurrah! For anyone thinking about opening for NGS do it! It is great fun and a great way to raise money...

So some pictures from the day and of things at their peak, and at the end a plant list for people who asked for it



For NGS geeks in terms of the breakdown of our visitors, 10 had been before,  64 came from local advertising, 73 from the Yellow book, 35 the Independent, article 35 were friends, 3 from this blog!

Plant list: lots of people asked about this, so here is is...its not especially user friendly so do email if you want to know the name of anything in particular

Acanthus 'Morning Candle'
Acidanthera: Callianthus
Aconitum Napellus
Actinidia delciosa
Actinidia delciosa Hayward
Agastache foeniculum 'Licoroish blue'
agave brevifolia??
Albizzia julibrissin rosea
Allium Aflatunense
Allium rosenbachianum
aloe aristata
Aloe striatula
alstromera red beauty
amenome japonica hyb andrea atkinson
Amicia zygomeris
Amorphophallus konjac
ampelosis acontifolia 'Chinese lace'
Anemone : Honorine Jobert
Anemopsis californica
anthyrium felix femmina 'Frizelliae' Irish tattling fern
anthyrium nipponicum var pictum
Aqueliga 'Blue Barlow'
Aralia cachemirica
Aralia racemosa
Arisaema consanguineum
Arisaema nepehthiodes
Arisaema tortuosa
Arisaemia griffii
Arisara speciosum
Armeria maritima spendens
arum italicum marmoratum
Arum italicum pictum
Arundo donax
Arundo donax 'Variegata'
Aspidestra attenuata BSW5377
Asplenium Scolopendrium Crispa
Astelia chat. Silver spear
Aster 'Little Carlow' -
Astiboles tabularis
Athyrium Lady in Red
athyrium otophorum var okanum
Bamboo propinqua
Bamboo 'Shanghai 3'
Bechnum fluviatile
Begonia grandid 'Sapporo'
Begonia grandis subsp Evansiana
Begonia palmata
Bergenia 'Autumn magic'
Bergenia ciliata
bergenia 'edens magic giant'
Black fig
Blechium spicant: hard fern
Blechnum chilensis
Blechnum nudum
Bog arum
Boomera acutifolia
Brunnera 'Looking Glass'
Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost'
Buddleja Black Night
Butomus umbellatus
Campsis radians
Canna Durban
Canna endeavor
Canna musiflora
canna president
canna Richard Wallace
Canna Russian Red
Canna syngapore girl
Canna Wyoming
cardiocrinium giganteum: giant himilayan lilly
Catalpa bignoniodes
Cauteleya cathcarti 'Tenzings gold'
Cauteleya gracilis
Cauteleya spicata 'Arun flame'
Cetatophyllum demersum
Chamerops humilis
Chamerops humis (morocco)
Cheilanthes tomentosa (~lanosa)
Chelone obliqua (Turtle Head)
Cistus x purpureus
Clematis alpine 'Ruby'
Clematis armandii
clematis 'Etoile Violette'
Clematis kingfisher
clematis macropetala
Clematis Princess Diana
Clematis texensis 'Gravetye Beauty'
clematis westerplatte
Clerodendrum t. 'var fargesii
Clerodendrum trichotomum
Clerodendum bungeii
Coprosmax kirkii variagata
Cordyline 'southern splendor'
Coreopsis sunray
Cotinus cogygina'Royal Purple'
Cotinus Grace
crambe cordifolia
Crinium album
Crocosmia 'Carmin brilliant'
Crocosmia 'Emily Mc Kensie'
Crocosmia fucata x paniculata
Crocosmia harlequin
Crocosmia 'Krakatoa'
Crocosmia Mount usher
Crocosmia panniculata: red kolugha
Crocosmia scarlatti
Crocosmia solfatare fishacre
Crocosmia: Babylon
Crocosmia: Voyager
Crocus sativus
Crocus tom ruby giant
Curculigo crassifolia
Cyathea cunninghamii
Cyclamum colum
Cypripedium kentucky
Daffodil Cyclamineus Jefire
Daffodil minnow
Daffodil tete a tete
Daffodil thalia
Dahlia Bishop of Dover
Dahlia bishop of llandalf
Dahlia 'Chat noir'
Dahlia excelsa
Dahlia imperialis
Dahlia Karma Pink corona
Dahlia khlondyke
Dahlia merkii
Dahlia 'Nuit d'ete'
Dahlia snowflake
Dahlias: Cactus: Elga
Dahlias: Cactus: Nuit D'ete
Dahlias: Cactus: Rip City
Dahlias: Decorative : Babylon Red
Dahlias: Decorative : Yellow Happiness
Dahlias: Karma Collection : Karma Naomi
Dahlias: Pompon and Ball : Red Cap
Darlingtonia californica
Darmera peltata
Datura chlorantha
Decaissnea fargessi
delosperma aberdeensis
Delosperma nubigenum ~(methysembryanthemum bastulolard)
Dianella tasmanica Tasred
dicksonia antarctica
Dierama pulcherinium
Digitalis parviflora 'Milk Chocolate'
Digitalis 'Spice Island'
Drosera intermedia
Drosera slackii
dryopteris affinis 
dryopteris affinis 'crista the king'
Dryopteris atrata: shaggy shielf fern
dryopteris erythrosa
Dryopteris lepidopa
dryopteris sieboldii
dryopteris wallichiana
Dutch Iris Blue Pearl
Echinacea magnus
Echinops Vetychs blue
Echium russicum
Ecremius bungei
Elegia capensis ~(restio)
epimedium x perralchium 'Frohnleiten'
Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphurum'
Equisetum japonica
Eremus himalaicus
eringeron karvinskianus
Eryngium alpinum
eryngium pandanifolium
eryngium paniculatum
Erythra crista gali
Eucalyptus perriniana
Euonymus fortuenii 'wolong ghost'
eupatorium capillifolium
Euphorbia : Fireglow
Euphorbia : Polycroma
euphorbia cyparissus 'fens ruby'
euphorbia grifithi 'fireglow'
euphorbia martinni
Euphorbia mellifera
euphorbia myrsinites
Euphorbia pasteuri
Eyngium eberneum
Farfugium jamponicum aureomalulatum
Fargesia murielae 'Jumbo'
Fasicularia bicolor
Fatshedera lizei
fatsia japonica
Fatsia polycarpa
Ferraria: Tigridia
Fesuca glauca 'golden toupee'
Ficus carica 'Brunswick'
Fritillaria Imperialis Rubra Maxima
Fuchia fulgens gesneriana
Fuchia Orient express
Fuchsia thalia
Galdiolus purple flora
Geranium : Red Admiral
Geranium Alum
Geranium 'Jolly Bee'
geranium macrorrhizum'
Geranium magerense
geranium phaum 'Samobor'
Geranium pratense
Geranium 'Red admiral'
Giant Egyptian papyrus
Gladioli Mexico
Gladioli Nanus Claudia
Gladiolus comm 'Byzantium'
Golden dome hebe
Gunnera manicata
Hacquetia epipactis
Hechera 'obsidian'
Hedychium aurantacum
hedychium coronatum x gardenium
hedychium densiflorum
hedychium densiflorum 'stephen'
Hedychium elliptum
Hedychium gardenium
Hedychium greenii
Hedychium greenii
Hedychium maximum
Hedychium x kewense
helleborus argutifolius
Helleborus foetidus
Hemerocalis 'Crimson Pirate'
hemerocalis 'Night Beacon'
Hemerocallis : Crimson Pirate
heuchera 'Bronze beauty'
Heuchera 'Lime Rickey'
Hibiscus 'Fireball'
Hibiscus 'Kopper king'
Hibiscus 'Robert Flemming'
Hippuris vulgaris
Holboellia latifolia
Hosta elegans
Hosta sum and substance
hottonia paulustris: water violet
Hyacinth Fondant
Hyacinth Prepared Jan Bos
Hyacinth Woodstock
Hydrandea aspera 'macrophylla'
Hydrangea sargentiana
Hydrangea seemannii
Impatiens omeiana
Inula racemosa sonnenspeer
Iris chrysographes Black Knight
Iris confusa
Iris ewsata 'centre of interest'?
iris foetissima
Iris japonica var variagata
Kalopanax pictus
Knautia macedonia 'Mrs midget'
Kniphofia Alcaza
knipofia culenescens
Knipofia uvaria 'Nobilis'
Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy'
lampranthus cerise magenta
Liriope : Moneymaker
Lobelia tupa
Lysichiton americanus
Magnolia macrpphylla
Mahonia oiwakensis
Manfreda maculata
Matteuccia Struthiopteris
Melianthus major
Meyanthes trifoliata
Miscanthus cabaret
miscanthus giganteus
Miscanthus sacchariflorus
Miscanthus sinensis 'Gold Bar'
Miscanthus sinensis gracillimus
Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus'
Miscanthus x giganteus
miscanthus zebrinus
Morina longifolia
Muhranbeckia complexa, large leafed form?
Muhranbeckia? Small leaf
Musa chimi champa
Musa dhusray
Musa manii
Musa sikkimensis 'red tiger'
Muscari 'dark eyes' grape hyasinth
Muscari latifolium?
Muscari plumosum
Narcissi Cyclamineus Trena
Narcissi Professor Einstein
Narcissus conspicus
Narcissus Jonquilla 'Dick cissel'
Narcissus minow
Narcissus species canaliculatus
Narcissus tazetta scarlet gem
Nerine bowdenii
Nymphaea 'Marliacea Albidea'
Nymphaea 'Texas Dawn'
Nymphea pygmea rubra
Nymphoides peltata
Oxalis tuberosa
Paulownia foruneu 'Fast Blue'
Paulownia tomentosa
Penstemon : Rich Ruby
Persicaria blackfield
Persicaria 'campanulata'
Persicaria comptons red
Persicaria microcephala 'Purple Fantasy'
Persicaria microcephala 'Red Dragon'
Persicaria virginiana
Persicaria virginiana var. filiformis 'Lance Corporal'
Petasites japonicus giganteus
Phlox stolonifera
Phormium tricolor
Phormium variagata?
phormium 'Yellow Wave'
Phygelius Croftway purple prince
Phyllostachys aurea: golden bamboo
Phyllostachys aurea-sulcata (spectablilis)
Phyllostachys bissetti
Phyllostachys glauca
Phyllostachys gracilis? Weeping bamboo
Phyllostacys nigra
Phylostachys vivax
Physygelius x rectus 'Devils Tears'
Pinguicula grandiflora
Pleione formosana
Podophyllum 'Kaleidoscope'
Podophyllum peltum
Podophyllum 'Spotty Dotty'
polygonatum multiflorum
Polypodum vulgare
Polypodum vulgare v. Bifidium
Polysitichium polyblepharum Jade
polystichium aelleatum 'Densum'
polystichium munitum: American Sword Fern
Pontederia cordata var lancifolia
Potamogetum crispus
Pseudopanax ferox
Pseudosasa japonica
Pteris cretica Parkeri
Puya berteroniana
puya caerula
redbeckia maxima
Rhapsis? Raffles Palm?
Rheum palmatum
Ribes nigrum 'Ojebyn'
Ribes rubum 'Jonkheer vaan Tets'
Ribes uva-cripsa Hinnomaki Rod Green
Romneya coulteri
Roscoea 'Beesiana'
Rudbeckia fulgia var sullianii 'Goldstrum'
rudbeckia herbsonne
Salvia black and blue
salvia elegans (pineapple sage)
Salvia elegans (tangerine sage)
Salvia gesneriflora
Salvia indigo spires
Salvia 'Mulberry Jam'
Salvia 'red velvet'
Salvia uliglosa
Salvia x jamensis 'Hot Lips'
Sambucus nigra
Saxifraga fortuenei 'blackberry and Apple Pie'
Saxifraga 'Purple fantasy'
Saxifraga stolonifera 'Maroon beauty'
Schizostylis coccinea Kaffir lilly
Schleffera aff. Enneaphylla
Schleffera macrophylla
Sedum blue carpet
Sedum coca cola
Sedum iceberg
Sedum kamtscaticum var floriferum 'Weibenstephoner Gold'
Sedum pachyclados
Sedum 'Xenox'
Selinum wallichianum
sempervirum arachnoidem
Sempervirum calcareum
sempervirum granby
Sempervirum 'oddity'
sempervirum ven der steen
Sisyrinchium calcareum
Sonchus fruiticosa
stauntonia hexaphylla
Stauntonia hexaphylla
Tetrapanax papyrifira
Thaila Dealbata
Thalia angustfolium?
Thalictrum albumn
Thymus citridoreus aurea
Thymus doone vallye
Thypha minima
Tigridia (mixed)
Trachycarpus latisectus
Trachycarpus nani tal
Trachycarpus wagerianus
Trachyosepermum jasminoides
Tricytis 'Blue Wonder'
Tricytis 'Purple Beauty'
Tropaeolum brachycerus
Tropaolum cilatum
Tulip Christmas Marvel
Tulip Golden Apeldoorn
tulip lady jane
Tulip Red Shine
Utricularia praelonga
Utricularia sandersonii
Verbascum chaixii album
Veronica goldwell
Yucca rostrata 'Sapphire Skies' -
Yucca smaller (palm farm)?
Zantedescita aethiopica


  1. Wow...I'm exhausted now! Good job and congrats. Now I'm going to go back and study that plant list...

  2. I just discovered your blog and enjoyed it very much. You can feel the excitement in your last post. I am glad you had a wonderful day. It brought back memories as we used to open when we had a garden in the city.

    1. Thank you! Im glad you like it! it was a fabulous day and like a big party as I hope your own openings were like!

  3. Hi Clive, can you tell me which type of Dahlia is in the third from last picture?


  4. The dahlia is Babylon Red....the flowers are big and blousy but a fabulous red...I have a secret huge love for it, and huge flowered dahlias that could make me dig up a few beds to plant more!
