Saturday, 18 July 2015

Getting bigger

England is hot at the moment and consequently the plants are rocketing. However, it is also very dry and lots of watering needs to be done. The garden opening is now getting very close! 6 weeks to Sunday 6th September ug! lots to do! including potting up lots of plants for the sale....

I have also just noticed that the 'Instant Gardener' airs on BBC1 at 15:45 on Monday, it seems to run every day. I have a feeling that they may be featuring some amazing gardens the week after next

So the garden...

Look a clean terrace and new furniture!

Paulownias shooting up, and Giant Echiums having done their thing are now just green towers...

Lobelia tupa (above) abdn Rommnea looking like giant fried eggs

Scotch thistle, and Drosera capensis

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